Electrochemical Energy
Storage into the future: an Italian

The "Centro di Riferimento Nazionale INSTM per i Sistemi di Accumulo Elettrochimico di Energia (GISEL-INSTM)" is happy to announce the online workshop organized on july the 1st from 3 pm to 5 pm, entitpled "Electrochemical Energy Storage into the future: an Italian perspective".
The workshop aims at provide a general perspective of the italian national landscape in the field of electrochemical energy storage in particular focusing on lithium and post-lithium batteries. Academic and industrial players will participate and discuss the future of research in particular in the view of the remarkable incoming funding chances through the Horizon Europe and Next Generation EU programmes.
Keynotes and invited lectures are planned: Dr. Patrice SIMON – CNRS Amiens, France and Prof. Robert DOMINKO – National Institute of Chemistry and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, will attend and present to this workshop. 
The participation to this workshop is free and the registration procedure expired on june the 30th 2021.
For more information please contact: Prof. Piercarlo Mustarelli (piercarlo.mustarelli@unimib.it).
A poster from the University of Reggio Calabria
A poster from the University of Torino
A poster from the Politecnico of Torino