IWES 2024
Third Italian Workshop on Energy Storage

7-9 February 2024

The Italian Workshop on Energy Storage (IWES) will be hosted in Rome at the Sapienza University for its third edition.

It aims at providing a dynamic platform to connect scientists and engineers for sharing research achievements and prospects in the battery community, from both public institutions and private companies.

The three-day program will feature selected presentations covering current trends and topics in the field of energy storage systems, with a special focus on operando techniques.

Join us in Rome from 7th to 9th February 2024!





The workshop will be in person (live) in Rome at Sapienza University.

Important dates





IWES2024 Awards

Chemistry Europe will support the IWES 2024 with three poster prizes in the form of book vouchers, valued at 150 € each.


On the occasion of the IWES 2024 conference, the Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry divisions of the SCI are announcing 2 scholarships each for young members under the age of 35 years in the year 2023 who are SCI members.
The winners will be also automatically subscribed to the 2024 SCI membership. 

Special Issue

We are pleased to announce that all speakers in the IWES 2024 have an opportunity to submit articles to the new Elsevier focused journal Next Energy. Manuscript will be evaluated through the usual peer-review process and, if accepted, will be published on a regular issue of the Journal as golden open access for free, i.e., the article processing charge will be fully waived.


Organizing Committee

Sergio Brutti, Sapienza Univ. Rome
Ana Belen Munoz Garcia, Univ. Naples  Federico II
Lucia Lombardo, Sapienza Univ. Rome
Matteo Busato, Sapienza Univ. Rome
Arcangelo Celeste, Sapienza Univ. Rome
Adriano Pierini, Sapienza Univ. Rome

Scientific Committee

Alessandra Di Blasi, ITAE
Ana Belen Munoz Garcia, Univ. Naples Federico II
Benedetto Bozzini, Politecnico di Milano
Catia Arbizzani, Univ. Bologna
Claudio Gerbaldi, Politecnico di Torino
Cristina Tealdi, Univ. Pavia
Eliana Quartarone, Univ. Pavia
Francesca De Giorgio, CNR
Francesca Soavi, Univ. Bologna
Francesco Nobili, Univ. Camerino
Gianni Appetecchi, ENEA
Giuseppe Antonio Elia, Politecnico di Torino
Laura Meda, ENI
Margherita Moreno, ENEA
Maria Assunta Navarra, Sapienza Univ. Rome
Michele Pavone, Univ. Naples Federico II
Piercarlo Mustarelli, Univ. Milan Bicocca
Riccardo Ruffo, Univ. Milan Bicocca
Sergio Brutti, Sapienza Univ. Rome
Silvia Bodoardo, Politecnico di Torino
Stefania Ferrari, Univ. Chieti–Pescara
Vincenzo Baglio, CNR
Vito Di Noto, Univ. Padua
