The Italian Workshop on Energy Storage (IWES) will be hosted in Rome at the Sapienza University for its third edition.
It aims at providing a dynamic platform to connect scientists and engineers for sharing research achievements and prospects in the battery community, from both public institutions and private companies.
The three-day program will feature selected presentations covering current trends and topics in the field of energy storage systems, with a special focus on operando techniques.
Join us in Rome from 7th to 9th February 2024!
The IWES workshop is organized under the partnership of E&E (Elettrochimica&Energia), National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM), Physical-Chemistry and Electrochemistry Division of Italian Chemical Society (SCI), Network for Energy Sustainable Transition (NEST), Rome Technopole, and National Center for Sustainable Mobility (MOST), supporting our event.
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