Winner announced 

La Commissione giudicatrice del Premio ELETTRA, Edizione 2021, costituita dai Proff. Catia Arbizzani, Vito Di Noto e Piercarlo Mustarelli, si è riunita in forma telematica il giorno 13 aprile 2021.
La Commissione ha preso visione delle domande pervenute e dei curricula dei candidati, per cui è stato espresso un generale apprezzamento.
Sulla base di criteri oggettivi, basati sulla intensità e qualità della produzione scientifica, nonché sulle esperienze di ricerca a livello nazionale e internazionale, la Commissione all’unanimità ha deciso di attribuire il Premio ELETTRA, Edizione 2021, al dott. Marco AGOSTINI.

ELETTRA honour - EarLy carEer italian baTTeRy scientist Award honour

Application Call

In the framework of the IWES 2021 meeting, the GISEL association is opening a call for candidature to assign the first edition of the ELETTRA honour to an outstanding early-career Italian battery scientist.

The application mandatory requirements are:

1) PhD title obtained not before January the 1st 2014 (increased 1 year for each maternity/paternity leave or serious health leave – to be documented).

2) Not holding a permanent job position.

3) Job affiliation at 1st of January 2021 in an Italian Research or Academic Institution/Foundation or Italy-based companies.

Co-authorship on at least one publication on a peer-reviewed international journal (printed in English) about battery-related technologies without the PhD supervisor (published not before January the 1st 2014) will be considered a preferential title.

The applicants are requested to send their candidature by email at the address before 10th of March 2020 including the following documentations:

·       A signed application letter where the three mandatory requirements are reported analytically and confirmed (i.e. Date of the PhD title; non-permanent status; present affiliation).

·       Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum.

·       A maximum of two reference letters from established scientists in the field of battery research from Italy or abroad.

The award selection committee for the 2021 edition of the ELETTRA honour is constituted by Prof. Catia Arbizzani (University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, Italian National Representative of the International Society of Electrochemistry), Prof. Piercarlo Mustarelli (University of Milano-Bicocca, GISEL President) and Prof. Vito Di Noto (University of Padova, President of the Electrochemistry Division of the Italian Society of Chemistry).


The board of Directors of the GISEL Association                           22 February 2021