Giovanni Battista Appetecchi is currently researcher in the Materials and Physicochemical Processes Technical Unit at ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Sustainable Economic Development). After graduation in Industrial Chemistry at La Sapienza University of Rome (1993), he was appointed as grant fellowship at La Sapienza University until 2002 and as contract researcher for DAIKIN INDUSTRIES and ENEA from 1998 to 2004. From 2004 he is appointed as researcher at ENEA. He was/is scientific responsible of National and European research projects. He has been working for more 27 years on basic and applied research focused on the development of materials and systems for innovative electrochemical energy storage devices, mainly lithium and sodium batteries. Main topics are: polymer/gel electrolytes; ionic liquids, composite electrodes. He is author/co-author of 169 publications in “peer reviewed” scientific journals (H-Index = 51, 9,212 citations), 7 book chapters, 163 communications/lectures at scientific meetings and 3 Italian patents.
Wolfgang Zeier received his doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry in 2013 from the Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz under der supervision of Prof. Wolfgang Tremel and Prof. Jeffrey Synder (California Institute of Technology). After postdoctoral stays at the University of Southern California, the California Institute of Technology, and Northwestern University, he was appointed group leader at the Justus- Liebig-University Giessen, within the framework of an Emmy-Noether research group. Since 2020 he holds a professorship for Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Münster. His research interests encompass the fundamental structure-to-property relationships in solids, with a focus on thermoelectric and ion-conducting materials, as well as solid-solid interfacial chemistry for all-solid-state batteries.
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